Tesla takes first steps into Oxfordshire at Bicester site

A CGI image of how Catalyst Bicester Technology Park will look once complete i(Image: Albion Land)/i

A CGI image of how Catalyst Bicester Technology Park will look once complete (Image: Albion Land)

Tesla is setting up its first Oxfordshire site at a technology park in Bicester[1], alongside an undisclosed design and manufacturing company.

The automotive company will take up 24,000 sq ft, at Albion Land's Catalyst Bicester park while the unnamed firm will inhabit 29,600 sq ft.

The new tenants are part of the site's phase two, with their bespoke units now finalised and handed over.

The new occupants will join Evolito, an aerospace company, and Yasa, an EV motor company, which Mercedes Benz owns, at the site.