Peak District dad received devastating cancer diagnosis just before …

A dad-of-two from the Peak District who received a devastating terminal cancer diagnosis[1] just before Christmas has been commended by his mother for how he tackled the illness. Two years ago, Matty Horan, from Bradwell, received the heartbreaking news during the festive period that he had been diagnosed with appendiceal cancer[2].

The 43-year-old, a devoted husband to partner Laura and a loving father to Connor and Rosie, died last year. As he battled cancer, Matty was later cared for at home and in the Ashgate Hospice’s Inpatient Unit during his final days[3].

Matty's mother Lyn Horan said: "We were devastated when he became unwell. But he was so strong and brave right up to the day he died.

POLL: What's the best thing to do in Derbyshire on a rainy day?[4]

"It was the hardest time of our lives, but we had the hospice there to support us. I don’t know how we would have coped at home at the end.”

Lyn added: “The hospice’s care was just amazing and so compassionate. They gave Matty the best care possible both at home and in the hospice and were there for us along the way.

“As soon as Matty was admitted, the doctors and nurses took all the pressures away from us and we knew he would be given the best care. Everyone we had contact with treated Matty with so much respect and dignity and was so caring to all of us."

Lyn and her family will be backing the hospice’s Light Up a Life appeal this winter, which aims to raise funds so future patients can access the same support Matty did when they need it most. As part of the appeal, the hospice is inviting families to remember the life of someone special by dedicating a star to the hospice’s virtual night sky.

When supporters dedicate a star for a suggested donation of £25, they will receive an invitation to the hospice’s lantern procession and ceremony on Sunday, December 3.

Lyn said: "Supporting the hospice’s Light Up a Life appeal this year will mean other people – like Matty - will be able to receive the care that we did. Our family will be supporting Ashgate this winter – we would be so grateful if yours could too.”

Support the hospice’s Light Up a Life appeal and dedicate a star in memory of a loved one[5].

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  1. ^ devastating terminal cancer diagnosis (
  2. ^ appendiceal cancer (
  3. ^ Ashgate Hospice’s Inpatient Unit during his final days (
  4. ^ What's the best thing to do in Derbyshire on a rainy day? (
  5. ^ dedicate a star in memory of a loved one (
  6. ^ Love the Peak District as much as we do? Sign up for our (