Botley Road works shift to 24-hours-a-day from tonight

A digger on site in Botley Road in August Picture: Ed Halford i(Image: Ed Halford)/i

A digger on site in Botley Road in August Picture: Ed Halford (Image: Ed Halford)

Teams working on the railway station improvements that have seen Botley Road shut since April will begin working round-the-clock from tonight.

Network Rail, which is leading the £161m station improvement project, hopes that the 24/7 working hours will allow engineers to get back on track. Works slowed in June when a historic brick arch was discovered beneath the rail bridge.

Last month, the rail company’s industry programme director, Claire Mahoney, told the Oxford[1] Mail that noisy activities like drilling will be done during the day.

“During the night, we will be doing quieter works which will need to continue to maintain the site programme,” she said.

Teams have been working seven days a week at the city centre site since August 14. However, construction workers will work 24-hours-a-day from tonight (September 2).