Northern’s heatmap reveals popular Bradford student stations …

Train operator Northern has released the data as part of its campaign to encourage more students to switch from road to rail by investing in an Under-16 Education Season Ticket before the new school term starts next week.

The scheme, which Northern runs in partnership with 166 secondary schools and university technical colleges across the North of England, offers students 75 per cent off the cost of their commute.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Northern has produced this heatmap of its most popular stations for student commuters Northern has produced this heatmap of its most popular stations for student commuters (Image: Northern)

The 20 most popular stations for student commuters in West Yorkshire have been revealed, with many of them in the Bradford district. They are: Steeton & Silsden, Keighley, Crossflatts, Bingley, Saltaire, Shipley, Frizinghall, Bradford Forster Square, Baildon, Guiseley, Menston, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley[1], Apperley Bridge, Kirkstall Forge, Leeds, Burley Park, Headingley and Horsforth.

Mark Powles, commercial and customer director at Northern, said: “It’s interesting to see just how much a difference there is between the counties of students that use the train to get to school.

“We want to encourage as many as possible to make the switch from road to rail.”

For more information and details of how to apply for a ticket, parents can go to


  1. ^ Ilkley (